Plastic 3D printing

Los polímeros o plásticos termoplásticos pueden ser fundidos y solidificados en repetidas ocasiones reteniendo sus propiedades intrínsecas. Esta es la característica que emplea la tecnología de impresión 3D denominada como Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). Las impresoras 3D de plástico mediente FDM funden un filamento de un polímero termoplástico para depositarlo sobre una capa sólida depositada previamente, de tal forma que el calor del material fundido refunde la capa solidificada para que ambas se adhieran y formen una pieza impresa única. Esta adhesión entre capas también es promovida por la presión que ejerce el fundido saliente de la impresora 3D sobre la capa sólida.



Plastic 3D printing

Why choose 3D Printing with Plastic?

The wide range of filaments available for professional plastic printers means that this technology can be applied to almost any sector. At Addimen we are able to print standard plastics or commodities and high-performance technical plastics. In the case of more advanced plastics such as PEEK or PEI, their complex processing means that we have to individually analyse each part to determine if they can be manufactured.

Typical uses of additive manufacturing of plastic components

Plastic items produced in printers can be used as a quick and cost-efficient prototype, or for the verifications of moulds and designs. However, the large-scale professional printer available at Addimen permits the manufacturing of fully functional engineering plastic parts for a variety of uses such as electronic apparatus casings, mounting and assembly tools, lightened robotic arms, etc.

para aplicaciones variadas como carcasas de aparatos electrónicos, útiles de montaje y ensamblado, garras de robots aligeradas, etc

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Post processing after plastic printing

The most common post processes are: the removal of supports (they may be dissolved), smoothing, surface blasting, bonding, polishing, and painting.

Benefits of 3D printing with plastic


With 3D printing, any product can be personalised and adapted to changing market conditions, without any extra cost.


Thanks to digitalisation and additive manufacturing, spares can be supplied on demand as our delivery time is minimal.


By using a 3D scanner, we can obtain the plans of a discontinued part, which has no available designs, and then print it in metal or plastic.


The basic definition of 3D printing is to methodically add material until an item is created. The consolidation of parts for the production process also saves energy and material costs.